P. 108
Time is so liquid, like water seeking its own level. What happens when it arrives and meets the calm? Will it be like the
standing waters that turn and become stagnant? Is that the journey of our lives? Or do we go to shore where we can
find rest, seed, and grow a new life, healthy and strong? I’m late in years, and a seedling I am not. Healthy and strong?
The remaining strength I have on reserve, I do not know how, what, or where to direct. Being alone is becoming a
stagnation for me—no more shores to fix my dreams, truth they are no more. Without my Joyselyn at my side, there is
no more dreaming. No more sights set on tomorrow. The only comfort I have remaining are yesterday gone. I pray for
relief, but none soon to come. This heart so empty, longing for just another day, another touch, another kiss, and a
smile. I remain forever yours, my love.
Sept. 30, 2020
I am thinking about Heaven, and all that comes to mind is, will my once beloved Joyselyn, be there to greet me at my
last breath? Knowing this love, It could never have been of my own accord. Only God Himself could have planted that
seed and nurtured it. As far as I can tell, it is still in full bloom—a gift from the Father. Hard for me to believe He would
take back what He has given. I do not understand how that seal could be broken. What I feel could only be shared with
this lovely woman named Joyselyn. The Father is the only one that could deliver such a Sweetheart. We lovers are used
to saying, “I’ll Love You Forever and a Day.” Something inside tells us that this is so. Something I have never questioned,
always in my given heart, and have forever known to be true. I can not pretend to know the heart or mind of God or
His eternal plans, but I do hope there is a Timeshare Plan in Heaven. What is a million years or so compared to a life
lived in eternity?
Oct. 3, 2020