P. 111
The King is in the field, and it will soon be time to harvest.
My friends, each and every one of us has an expiration date. If we lived to be a healthy hundred years, we
would most likely not have had the time to get our lives right. What I mean by right is connecting with our
whole heart, mind, and soul to the one that created us—living His plan and purpose for this brief existence
here on this earth. Look at the times we now live in. If your eyes do not see and your ears do not hear, pray
for their healing and ask the Father to give you understanding. Soon and very soon, we will see His promised
return. Some of us will be ready, but multitudes will not. It is my prayer, and it should be yours, that as many
who are not saved by the shed blood of Yahuwah come to know Him before that trumpet sounds. My
Joyselyn has often told me to be ready and know how connected she is with the Father; she would be within
the know. Of course, I don’t know the day or the hour, but in my heart, I know it will be soon. We must wake
up and look up, for our redemption is so near.
Oct. 7, 2020