P. 116

All the beauty of my world, this world has gone. Days before my Joyselyn’s leaving for her heavenly home, she warned

                   me of the evil soon to come. She told me to be strong, put all my trust in Adonai, and never to let go or pull away from
                   His hand. Days after her trip, we were hit with a pandemic, faces being covered in fear, riots blazing in the streets, and

                   Law enforcement condemned. People are being killed. Churches were told to shut their doors. Our elected leaders are
                   fighting alongside demons to turn our country into a slave nation, an evil nation without God.

                   Feels like her presence in this life was holding back this world’s evil. I know this is not so, but I know God’s mercy and

                   love for our Joyselyn. He just had to bring her home. Save her from all this end-time destruction. Knowing this makes

                   me happy that she is home-free, safe, and forever loved.

                   Nov. 5, 2020

                   Another Shabbat day, and I am trying to put my rest on memories. Memories of my Joyselyn’s prayers and careful

                   attention to this day’s Holiness. It is always a joyful day for our Father to visit, rest, and bless our home, and our lives.
                   My Joyselyn completed these days with such joy and laughter. Heartfelt blessings and prayers. A meal lovingly prepared

                   fit for our King.

                   Joyselyn’s blessings over me; were an open heart that poured out like a fountain of life. So much strength in her words.

                   So much love. Nowhere could I ever go to know this kind of earth-bound love again.

                   Nov. 6, 2020

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