P. 141

Waking up to all my blindness and loss of feelings. I do not remember seeing last night's moon-lite sky or moons; they
                   have all passed me by. Today's Sun, I am aware, but the heart and body hunger a lost light and a warmth that's no

                   more to be shared. Everything I touch is crisp, cold, and hard. No more can my scents relate to such warmth and
                   softness. I miss all that my Joyselyn brought into my life, all we have seen and felt together. What a composed love life

                   we had. A symphony written by the Father’s hand, sung with heavenly voices never to be heard again. Adonai planted
                   her in my soul, and those roots run deep. For as long as this life’s breath is still with me, I will always nourish it. I will
                   always honor my gift, my Joyselyn. I will be the man she prayed for me to be, So help me, God.

                   Feb. 10, 2021

                   My heart is drowning in love. Love my Joyselyn left to fill this life of mine. She will always be without end. But I so do

                   miss her beside me in all things. My heart rejoices knowing she lives eternal, loved, and pain-free—walking streets of
                   gold with our Heavenly Father and King. Many are missing a husband or wife who has moved on from this life. Some

                   have found another to share this life with, and God’s blessings are with all that do. But, as for me, my heart and soul,
                   my love, my life could only belong to one, my Joyselyn. She continues to bring me joy. For that, I am blessed and at

                   Feb. 16, 2021

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