P. 72
Without question, my best friend, Joyselyn. There has never been anyone closer to me than this woman. To me, she is
the very definition of a friend. The only person I would trust my life to. She is the person I could lay my life down for. Our
relationship has gone so way past that of marriage. I need help explaining its depth. I can feel her run through my veins
with every heartbeat. It’s easy to find a beautiful wife. But finding a wife with a beautiful heart willing to live a hard life is
Jan. 25, 2020
S aturday the 18th the Love of my life died. I am going through all my photos and looking for all pictures of her—
thousands of boy toys, and a few of my most valued ones, my wife Joyselyn. Get more pictures of the loved one in your
life, or someday you may be doing the same. If you don’t think photos are important, wait until they are all you have left.
Jan. 28, 2020
I will forever miss my Joyselyn’s spirit—a spirit of trust and love. The Holy Spirit lived within her. A strength that could
only come from her residing within the Father’s will. She was always dressed in His armor every day. She always shielded
our lives with prayers, and her faith always deliverer favor. So protected we have been, so very blessed. God’s word
never fails.
Jan. 28, 2020