P. 77

If I am to live this way, just remove my arms, my legs and use me for second base. Do not need two empty arms without

                   her to hold, do not need legs if she is not there to run to.

                   Mar. 3, 2020

                   Walls caving in on me this night. So, missing my Joyselyn. So much want her warmth.
                   Found an old stack of photos and love letters to me. Had thought they had been forever lost in a move years ago. Now
                   they are all ghosts from the past haunting me. Stripping me to the bone. I am so empty, and nothing will ever fill or

                   satisfy this heart again.
                   Feels like I am going blind. Everything is just a blur. My eyes are so strained looking to see her. Not just happening when

                   they are tear-filled, moment by moment. Day after day. My eyes are hungrier than my stomach has ever been.

                   Mar. 5, 2020

                   I find myself going into Joyselyn's closet and wrapping my arms around her clothes. Breathing in so deep I think I might

                   pass out. I do so much miss her scent.

                   Mar. 5, 2020

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