Page 31 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 31

Fact: You were living with
        a death sentence, but Jesus    It’s More Fun Being Holy…Really
        paid the price.                     You might think being holy will
             Think about that for a mo-  siphon the fun from your life. But holiness

        ment: You’ve been pardoned     is the fruit of God’s Spirit—love, joy, peace,
                                       patience, kindness, goodness, faithful-
        from a death sentence be-      ness, gentleness, and self-control. They’re
        cause Jesus died in your place.   the very characteristics that fuel authentic
        You’ve never received a larger,   happiness and enduring relationships.
        more loving gift.                   Consider what comes with a lack of
             And if you’re thinking,   holiness and the presence of sin: anger,
                                       hatred, despair, selfishness, addiction,
        Well, I’m not that bad. I’d have   and betrayal. How could those character-

        been okay without Jesus hav-   istics lead to happiness? When we fall
        ing to go through that, you’re   short of God’s holiness, our relationships
        wrong.                         suffer—and so does our experiencing
                                       authentic, joyful fun.

             “All have sinned and fall
             short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

             You needed God’s grace—and still do. That’s because, if you’re like
        everyone else on the planet, you still struggle with sin. You still do what

        you shouldn’t, say what you shouldn’t, think what you shouldn’t.
             And because God is holy—sinless—that sets up a barrier between you
        and God.
             Jesus took care of saving you, but you won’t have a joy-filled life
        following him until you choose to please God by choosing to lean into holi-
             Which might sound like the most depressing decision of the century.

             Read the “It’s More Fun Being Holy” aloud and then talk about this.

             • Describe a time you experienced authentic, sustained, soul-invig-
        orating  happiness. Was that time fueled by what comes with holiness or
        what comes with sin?

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