Page 29 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 29
Session 2:
Discipler leads or even reads the following. Feel free to
discuss anytime.
As a follower of Jesus, you’re now experiencing
a level of freedom you’ve never encountered before.
That’s because—whether you knew it or not—you were
a slave.
You were a slave to sin, bound tightly by your old way of living. You
were living in a way that didn’t please God and was leading you into dark
Writing to some young believers, the Apostle Paul urged them to
never fall back into those old values and behaviors.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do
not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”
(Galatians 5:1).
In short, while Jesus has set you free, it’s your choice whether to
walk in that freedom. The only way to stay free is by following his exam-
ple…by following him.
Otherwise, you’ll again be bound up in those familiar chains.
In this session, we will talk about the freedom you’re experiencing
in Jesus. Together we will discover that freedom is the ability to do what
you ought to do, not just what you want to do.
We’ll be exploring how to walk along a very narrow path.
The discipler leads and asks the following. The disciple
A Brief Pause
You’re about to invest an hour in growing as a Jesus-follower—and