Page 24 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 24

Stretch         Walk, Coffee, or Zoom.
                Activity            During the next several months, both of you
                  One           (disciple and discipler) will walk together through
                                First Steps Conversations. There will be lots of
                                discussion and prayer.
                First Steps Conversations is about discipleship through a relation-
            ship. Each session should last about an hour. That might not be enough
            time for the discipler and disciple to get to know one another initially.
                So, in the next week, meet together to take a walk, have a cup of cof-
            fee, or make a Zoom call – just to talk.
                No script, no agenda; just have a conversation. Ask about life goals,
            families, victories, and hurts from the past. At the end of the walk, coffee,
            or Zoom call, write below a couple of prayer requests that you will pray
            about for one another over the next few months.

                Stretch         Are You a Trusting Person?
                  Two               Here’s the thing: No matter how trusting you
                                think you are or aren’t, you’re more trusting than
                                that. You have to be.
                Today, notice how much you trust others without even thinking about

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