Page 20 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 20

• A lack of experience
            (I’ve not been a believer long     Grace is more than just an acknowl-
            enough to know Jesus well.)    edgement that you need Jesus—it’s a
                • A lack of biblical       lifeline Jesus-followers cling to daily. Why?

            knowledge (I don’t feel like a   Because it’s oxygen your faith needs to
                                           keep breathing. Consider this insight
            Christian.)                    about grace from a fellow Jesus-follower:
                • Doubt may also be an         If and when a horror turns up, you
            attack from Satan, who uses    will then be given grace to help you.
            deceit and confusion to create   I don’t think one is usually given it in
            doubt.                         advance…life has to be taken day by day
                                           and hour by hour. —C. S. Lewis
                But as uncomfortable as        Experiencing God’s grace isn’t some-

            doubt feels, God can use it.   thing you do once and then tick off your
            Our doubts point out a weak-   checklist. You walk in it constantly, every
            ness in our walk with Jesus,   time you stumble and come to God for
            and can prompt us to deepen    forgiveness. Every time you feel lost and
                                           ask for help getting back on the path. As
            our understanding. Doubts can   a Jesus-follower, experiencing God’s grace
            nudge us to pray and ask for   is something that becomes who you are.
            God’s help finding resolution.
                So don’t be afraid of doubt—it’s a signal to dig deeper.
                But do respect doubt, because left unresolved it can fester into dis-

            couragement… and discouraged disciples are miserable disciples.
                Consider the following diagram. It describes the normal Christian
            life—steadily trending upward, but now and then experiencing emotionally
            low times.
                You first come to know Jesus and it’s a high point (A), but as the emo-
            tion of that encounter wears off you feel discouraged (B). Then you see Je-
            sus acting in and through you and your enthusiasm returns (C) only to be

            followed by a disappointment of some kind (D). Then…you get the picture.
                It’s a picture of a growing friendship with Jesus, of the ups and
            downs experienced with him as your trust in him grows stronger.

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