Page 16 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 16
What, if anything, is keeping you from being able to be fully present
in this experience together? If there’s a worry or concern, let’s discuss
this now and pray about it before we get into this session.
What we discover about Jesus will better equip you to handle any-
thing that’s in your way.
The disciple shares the following.
Devotion Check In
Share with your discipler your responses to the
three devotions you completed as you prepared for
this session.
Be open to exploring what your responses might reveal about your
relationship with Jesus. Your discipler may have additional questions for
Both share. Either can take the lead.
A Conversation About Confident
Move through the following outline during the remainder of the hour. Focus
on gleaning all you can from your time together.
Both of you will share your thoughts—do so honestly.
Both of you will be invited to share your feelings—be honest there, too.
The more transparent the both of you are together and with Jesus, the more
both of you will grow.
1. Together, respond to these statements:
• “There’s historical evidence that Jesus was on the earth and is
who he says he is. That evidence is very important to me; without it I’m
not sure I can have a confident trust in Jesus.”
• “To really trust someone I need to experience the person first, to
know the person’s heart. That’s true for people—and I think it’s true about
Jesus, too.”