Page 12 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 12

Session 1: A Confident Trust in Jesus


                    “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you
                    as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not
                    be afraid” (John 14:27).

                Who’s someone you trust completely? What has that person done
            to earn your trust? If there’s no one you trust completely, write about the
            person who seems most trustworthy to you.

                If you’ve known Jesus awhile, describe a time you trusted he’d come
            through for you—and he did. What was the situation?
                How about a time you’re not certain Jesus came through for you?
            Describe that, too.



                         Read the following two Bible passages several times each.
                    Think about what you’re reading.

                         If possible, read them aloud so you can more fully experi-
                    ence their truth.

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