Page 10 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 10

We ask that you do each of the devotions on a different day—not all
            at once.

                Spreading them out allows you to fully engage with each section, giv-
            ing yourself time to consider the questions and let what you discover sink
            deeply into your mind and heart.
                Your discipler will ask about your responses, but will not grade your

            penmanship or writing. So feel free to be creative with your spelling!
                Following are the three devotions heading into your first session with
            your discipler.


                A unique aspect of First Steps Conversations is exactly that –
                This is a conversation between a discipler and disciple.  As you

            progress through the notebook you will notice “speech bubbles” indicat-
            ing conversations. Green/blue means it is a joint conversation … either
            person can take the lead. Green indicates that the discipler takes the lead
            and blue indicates that the disciple will share and primarily participate.

                Conversations can be awkward, especially at the beginning.  Very
            shortly as you share, discuss and pray for one another, you will begin to
            experience the encouragement of which the Bible teaches … Therefore
            encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are

            doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

            Both can take the lead

                                            •  Both can share and take the lead.
                                            •  Both can ask questions.
                                            •  You can each read a paragraph.

   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15