Page 7 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
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It cements in place simple habits that draw you closer to Jesus and
help you see him more clearly. That strengthen your faith. And that con-
nect you with people who’ll support you in your life with Jesus.
Sadly, many Christians live for years without anyone giving them what
you’re about to get.
But it’s not all about you.
Stretching back to Jesus’ very first followers, disciples have received
so they can then pass along what they’ve experienced to others. You’ll be
asked to do the same.
Following Jesus can be challenging—because he takes his friends
to challenging places. He loves you, but he’s out for transformation, not
So expect a few growth pains—but they’re totally worth it.
As you and your discipler begin, here’s what’s expected of you:
• To be committed
You and your discipler will get together ten times and each meeting
will last about an hour. There’s flexibility about when and where you meet,
but you’re expected to make meeting a priority. Why? Because your friend-
ship with Jesus is a priority, and you’re investing in it.
• To complete a few devotions between meetings
In addition to meeting with your discipler, you’ll also have some think-
ing and praying to do on your own. Actually, you won’t be on your own—Je-
sus will be with you. This is time for the two of you to connect, and for you
to put into practice what you’ve discussed with your discipler.
• To be willing to grow
Jesus will work in you, but you’ve got to be willing to let go of what’s
in the way of your friendship with him, embracing what’s helpful. Depend-
ing on how you’re living, Jesus may point you toward an entirely new
We won’t lie: You’re going to be stretched.
But you won’t be stretching alone.