Page 4 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 4

Table of Contents

            Introduction: It’s All About Following Jesus ..................................................5
                   No surprise that following Jesus is all about following Jesus.
                   Here’s how to do it with greater intentionality and success.

            1.     A Confident Trust in Jesus ..............................................................11
                   Moving past knowing Jesus to actually trusting him.

                2  Freedom .......................................................................................... 25
                   Explore what you’ve been set free from—and what you’ve
                   been set free to do. They both matter.

              3    Priorities .......................................................................................... 46
                   Why Jesus insists on being your first priority—and ways to
                   make that happen.

                4  The Bible ..........................................................................................61
                   How to approach the Bible so reading it is more than a task
                   on your to-do list.

                5  Prayer ...............................................................................................81
                   The art of conversation with Jesus.

                6  Fellowship ........................................................................................94
                   The power of finding a home in a faith community.

               7   Sharing the Story ......................................................................... 108
                   How to share your faith without losing your friends.

                8  Doing God’s Will ........................................................................... 124
                   Not quite sure what God wants you to do next? Here’s
                   how to know.
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