Page 17 - FirstStepsConversations_digital 2023
P. 17

Faith deepens in many ways. What suggestions does your discipler
        have based on how you responded to those statements?

        2. Read aloud the following story and talk about it:
             Two friends on a weekend getaway are hiking high in the Rocky
        Mountains. It’s a beautiful fall day, golden aspens dotting sun-washed
        slopes and canyons.
             Suddenly, thunderclouds roll in from the west. The temperature
        quickly drops as rain soaks the hikers and turns the trail slippery and

        treacherous. What’s been the high point of their weekend has become a
        life-threatening nightmare.
             The hikers find themselves trapped on a ledge a hundred feet above
        a canyon floor, shivering, exposed to biting cold.
             As darkness falls a chilling wind rises and the hikers know they won’t
        last the night. They’ll die unless they get help.
             Then they hear it: a voice crying out from below. “I know you can’t
        see it,” the distant voice says, “But there’s another ledge and a small
        cave about six feet below you. Step off the ledge you’re on, and you’ll land
        next to the cave and find shelter for the night.”
             It’s pitch black. The hikers can’t see the cave, a ledge beneath them,
        or even one other.

             But if they stay where they are they’ll freeze to death.
             One of the hikers yells into the storm, wanting to know who’s there.
             When the voice calls back they discover it’s a park ranger who’s
        worked in the area for decades. It’s a voice the hikers decide to trust so
        they take a deep breath and, side by side, walk off the ledge.
             They survive the night and are rescued the next morning.

             • How is having a confident trust in Jesus like what happened in this
             • How willing are you to trust Jesus like the hikers trusted the park
        ranger, doing what Jesus asks—no matter what? Why do you answer as
        you do? What can you point to in your life that illustrates your response?

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