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2                                 Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
         versity of British Columbia, and for having estab-     purchase (including mailing cost) from NABC by
         lished the Bill Reid Foundation, and is currently its   dropping a line to our membership director,
         advisor and Founding Director. We will also be in-     Lynn Harrison, and we will be very happy to
         viting Mr. Graham Fuller an American author            process your order at cost.
         and political analyst, specializing in Islamist ex-    I look forward to staying touch with you during
         tremism. He was also the formerly vice-chair of        this time in spite of the pandemic and hope that
         the National Intelligence Council, and also served     you will take in the upcoming presentations by
         as Station Chief in Kabul for the CIA. A "think        our speakers*.
         piece" that Fuller wrote for the CIA was identified
         as instrumental in leading to the Iran–Contra af-      Yours aye,
         fair. Due to Captain (N) Jean Stéphane Ouellet’s
         operational commitments, he will be slotted in our
         speakers’ program when he becomes available.           King
         I am also pleased to share with you a recently         *We will advise via direct email to you on our
         published paper by the NAC on the CSC (Canadian        speakers and their topics prior to each presen-
         Surface Combatant) program in advance of the           tation on the last Wednesday of the month.
         PBO’s (Parliamentary Budget Officer) report to
         parliament. The NAC Maritime Affairs team did an
         excellent job of outlining the process and the com-
         plexities of costing the Canadian Surface Combat-
         ant (CSC) project. This issue has been the subject
         of several news stories and commentary in the
         past few weeks and the PBO will be releasing a
         costing study on CSC to Parliament in and around
         25 February. A summary of the paper, which has
         required a significant level of effort from the small
         NAC Public Affairs team, can be found at the link

         The paper can also be found on the main page of
         the NAC website. Please feel free to share with
         others who might be interested in learning about
         the CSC program.

         As the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlan-
         tic celebration could not be held in 2020 and not
         even in 2021 at this time, the celebration coin
         struck by NAC national will become a collector’s             The NABC website is available at
         item since there were only a limited number of              
         them produced for the occasion. Your Naval Asso-
         ciation of BC has acquired a few of them for those          Members are encouraged to check
         who might be interested in acquiring them. Our                             the Website.
         plan is to gift them to naval veterans living in our
         area who actually served in the Battle of the Atlan-
         tic, as a small token of our appreciation for their           Shipbuilding Monument Project
         service. The picture of the coin is shown below. As      For an update on this project follow the
         our record shows only a handful of the BOA naval        link below to a Power Point presentation.
         vets living in our region, if you know of anyone
         who has served in the Battle of the Atlantic thea-  
         tre, please share their contact information and we     vancouvernavalmuseum/the-shipbuilding-
         will deliver (or mail) the coin to them from the                  monument?authuser=0
         NABC. If you collect military coins, you can also

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