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Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021

            Inside This Issue                                   President’s Message

                                                                    s we enter the second year of the COVID pan-
                                                                A  demic and with the knowledge that an unprec-
         President’s                 1                          edented speed at which the vaccines are being de-
         Message                                                veloped, our conversation will now be focused on
                                                                the vaccination roll out and how that will bring our
                                                                lives back to some level of normalcy. With the an-
         Member                      3
         Recognition                                            nounced vaccine delivery dates staggered through-
                                                                out the latter part of this year, it is unlikely that
                                                                many Canadians will get their vaccine shots until

         Naval History               8                          this fall. Since our membership consists mainly of
                                                                older and retired people, we sincerely hope to
                                                                have many of our folks vaccinated by the end of
                                        this summer. Of course, that will depend entirely on the projected vaccine
         Ready Aye Ready            21  delivery dates to our population.

                                        Since the lock down and restricted travel in our region, your association
                                        board members have been working on how best to deliver valued pro-
         Medical Update             27   grams for your support and loyalty to NABC. Your board feels that it is
                                        doubtful that we can host the once delayed Battle of the Atlantic dinner in
                                        May 2021. This is due to the variant COVID strains that are in circulation
                                        and the pronouncement from our Public Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry.
         UNTD                       28  However, we are working on potential in-person events in the fall and are
                                        now targeting the Surrender Day lunch at the RVYC as a starter with pos-
                                        sibly other events.

                                        In addition, we are embarking on bringing speakers to deliver topics of
                                        interest to you, coincident with our national and affiliated organizations in
                                        the interim until we can meet in-person again.
                                        We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a number of online
                                        presentations that may interest you. We have lined up a number of fasci-
                                        nating speakers: Dr. John Blatherwick; Captain (N) Jean Stéphane Ouel-
                                        let, commander of the Canadian submarine fleet; Mr. Herb Auerbach and
                                        Mr. Graham Fuller in the next few months. We will start with our very own
                                        Dr. Blatherwick, who will speak on the “History of Honours in Canada; the
                                        start of the Canadian Honours system; and the evolution of the Canadian
                                        Honours system to today” on Wednesday, February 24, at 11:00 AM. This
                                        is to be followed in subsequent months, keeping our last Wednesday of
                                        the month date, by Mr. Herb Auerbach who was responsible for producing
                                        the 9 Bill Reid Invitational Concert Series at the Haida House at the Uni-

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