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9                                 Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
         carriers close to Russia via the northern routes        Norway and a back up fleet of destroyers. The
         and dispatching aircraft such as hurricanes and         outlook for these convoys looked bleak to say the
         spitfires. Britain was only able to manufacture         least.
         about half of what it needed in the fight against       As the convoys began, very soon a third of a mil-
         Hitler. The rest had to come from the USA. Roo-         lion tons of war materials reached Murmansk and
         sevelt stepped in and with persuasion from              Archangel with the loss of only one freighter and
         Churchill began to Lend Lease vital supplies to         one destroyer. It seemed that Hitler was more
         Stalin.  The Russians needed planes, tanks, alu-        concerned about directing his land armies that he
         minum and rubber in vast quantities. Churchill          had ignored the convoys thinking that the rough
         explained in a cable to Stalin that there was no        seas and cold weather would take its toll on the
         question of selling these goods to Russia and that      ships. This didn’t last long, however. Beginning
         Britain’s contribution would be lend lease in ac-       with convoy PQ13 which included the loss of the

                                       HMS Edinburgh—Enlarged Town Class Cruiser

         cordance with the arrangement with the USA.             cruiser HMS Trinidad and 5 merchantmen in
         Roosevelt responded in equal part by amending           March 1942. Losses climbed steadily to maraud-
         the Lend Lease Act to include sending supplies to       ing U boats and land based enemy aircraft. PQ17
         Russia. But the fact remained that Russia would         convoy lost 23 out of 34 ships despite a strong
         have to pay; the question was how much and              escort cover: 2 battle ships, 8 cruisers a fleet car-
         when? Stalin realised this and that he would have       rier and 26 destroyers. In addition, nine British
         to pay for it in part hard cash and in gold.            and three Russian submarines were unable to
         Churchill cabled Stain in October 1941 outlining        stop the destruction and carnage. Hitler now
         the plan to assist in shipping the war materials to     knew he had to stop these Russian war supplies
         the Soviets by convoy routes leaving the UK eve-        especially after his first winter in Russia. The fight
         ry 10 days. This included the dangerous Archan-         was well and truly on.
         gel run from British and Icelandic ports, through       And was Stalin paying for these war materials?
         the Barents Sea. This route brought the convoys         In October 1941 HMS Suffolk with 10 tons of bul-
         within range of Luftwaffe aircraft and German U         lion aboard successfully transported this shipment
         Boats based in Norway. Then there was the threat        from Archangel to Scapa Flow in 13 days. (Scapa
         of the German battlecruiser Tirpitz, also based in      was the home anchorage of the Royal Navy’s

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