Page 12 - C:\Users\rober\Documents\Flip PDF\Dog Watch2102 (1)\
P. 12
12 Volume 73 Number 1
15 February 2021
The German ships then turned their attention to stern first on an even keel. She was a master-
Edinburgh, leaving the convoy out of immediate piece of design and construction. I could see down
danger. Edinburgh continued steaming slowly and her funnels and the main diesel exhausts of the
in the general direction required and by now the engines which had supplied power for the guns
minesweepers had arrived from Murmansk and were still running. Then she was gone.” Fifty-
were assisting. Early in the morning of May 2nd seven men went down with her. She would lay in
the German destroyers emerged from the mist. 732 feet of water at the bottom of the Barents
Edinburgh was already at battle stations, but the Sea for another 40 yrs. Then along came Keith
ship was in a bad way, only able to fight from the Jessop.
forward part with A and B turrets and smaller THE SEARCH FOR THE EDINBURGH AND
guns. Maneuvering was almost impossible. Edin- HER GOLD.
burgh and her escorts were outgunned and out- Jessop was born
distanced by the enemy though you wouldn’t in 1933, illegiti-
think so by the fight that ensued. Edinburgh im- mate and penni-
mediately cast off the tow and tether and was less in an English
able to increase speed to 8 knots but without Yorkshire mill
steering. Minesweepers stuck to Edinburgh and town named
pounded the enemy ships with their little 4-inch Keighley.
guns when ever they got a chance. A and B tur- (Pronounced
rets on Edinburgh and the other shells fired from Keethly) situated
the smaller ships, all found their mark on Herman at the opposite
Schoeman severely damaging her. Two British side of Ilkley
shells had passed through her engine spaces. The Moor from The
ship was done for and all by expert British gun Dale’s town of
crews firing manually and by verbal orders. Z24 Keith Jessop Ilkley. Travelling
fired a torpedo and this hit Edinburgh on the port over the moor
side below the bridge. She began to list danger- from Ilkley in those days, you would think you
ously to port, stopping at a severe angle. It did- had gone from an English country paradise to the
n’t, however, stop her from fighting. Whenever a dark satanic mills of England’s industrial revolu-
German ship appeared in front of the guns they tion. It was a town filled with dirty woolen mills
kept on firing. By now Edinburgh was open from and broken-down engineering factories. Growing
port to starboard side and abandoning ship was up Keith’s interests were never scholastic. He
on the mind of everyone on board. Foresight and loved the outdoors and soon learned climbing and
Forester were still fighting despite having been hit caving over a nearby terrain ideally suited to it.
in the boiler rooms and the Germans still had the He also liked diving down in the local rivers where
upper hand even though they had lost a destroy- he had learned to stay under water without
er. Eventually they withdrew into the mist leaving drowning. He later found and recovered the body
the British ships badly mauled. Later the German of a small local boy who had gone missing. The
officers recorded that they thought they were local police had not taken Keith seriously when he
fighting destroyers and not minesweepers.
had offered to assist but now were clearly atten-
Bonham-Carter assessed the situation and be- tive as their efforts had been sadly lacking. Keith
cause of a real danger that the ship would over- became accomplished at all his outdoor pursuits
turn decided to abandon ship. Bonham-Carter and then one day his National Service papers ar-
later wrote to his wife “I managed to get two rived. He had been called up for the military.
ships alongside under difficult conditions and got (Post WW2) He promptly went to the recruiting
everyone away who was alive, including 80 office and told them he wanted to join the Royal
wounded, all officers except two who were killed, Marines. The RM did not normally take national
and 800 men out of 850.” Edinburgh looked like servicemen as usually all they wanted was to
she would overturn anytime but was agonizingly serve time and get out with minimum effort. Keith
slow to sink. HMS Forester was ordered to put a Jessop convinced the recruiters he was much
torpedo into her so there was no question of an more than that based on his experience and they
enemy takeover. This finally sent HMS Edinburgh reluctantly agreed to take him. He excelled at
to the bottom. Commander Eric George a ship everything in training and loved it. After two
constructor observed at the time “She went down years he said he would sign up for another longer