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14                                Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
         records office in London and all these were vital       and as long as he understood he was “no cure”
         in the search. Keith knew a fisherman who owned         what could he lose. It was a decision he later re-
         a fleet of trawlers operating from Aberdeen all the     gretted.
         way to the Barents Sea named Ken Knox. Keith            Any marine operations of this complexity in the
         described the area he was looking at and Ken told       Barents Sea had to be conducted during a brief
         him he knew where the wreck was because he              weather window in September and October each
         had got his nets fast on it and had spent a lot of      year. At any other time, the weather and sea
         time and money getting them untangled. That             state were too severe. GPS was in its infancy in
         spot was marked on a chart to avoid it again. Ken       those days and Decca fixes were used extensively
         believed it was the Edinburgh because when the          to find one’s way around northern seas. Decca
         nets were recovered, he discovered some switch-         fixes had faults but if experts were operating the
         es in the netting that one of his ex Royal Navy         system properly, good results could be obtained.
         crew members told him were only used by the
         Royal Navy.                                                                              The first search
                                                                                                  though proved
         Armed with this                                                                          unsuccessful and
         Keith Jessop ap-                                                                         had to be put off
         proached the                                                                             until the follow-
         Salvage Associa-                                                                         ing season. Dur-
         tion to obtain                                                                           ing this search a
         permission to                                                                            Russian spy
         conduct deep                                                                             trawler shad-
         water search to                                                                          owed them. It
         locate HMS Edin-                                                                         tried everything
         burgh. This is                                                                           to try and ob-
         when the “WAR                                                                            struct the search
         GRAVE” problem                                                                           including at one
         cropped up and                                                                           point almost col-
         Keith gave as-                                                                           liding with the
         surances the                                                                             Stephaniturm
         wreck would not                                                                          the research
         be touched at                                                                            vessel. It wasn’t
         this point. The                                                                          possible to put
         Salvage Associa-                                                                         down buoys to
         tion knew where                                                                          assist in the
         this was going       Admiral Stuart Bonham-Carter on the Bridge of HMS Edinburgh         search. The ra-
         but they kept                                                                            tionale was the
         quiet at that                “War Grave” is-
         stage. Keith was                                        sue, and the local authorities would not allow the
         now CEO of Jessop Marine Salvage Co Ltd and he          wreck to be disturbed. It also occurred to the
         went to the offices of Seaway in Oslo with all his      searchers that the location noted down by Bon-
         research material. Seaway had all the ocean-            ham-Carter where Edinburgh had gone down may
         going vessels and the side scan sonar equipment         have been deliberately falsified to conceal the ex-
         which would be needed for the deep-water arctic         act location of the wreck and its cargo. It was
         search. Just prior to this he had been approached       clear to Keith that this wasn’t going to be an easy
         by a suave, slick, and smooth-talking individual        task. Unsuccessful on this first try the search was
         named James Ringrose. He claimed to be an ex-           called off.
         RN Lieutenant Commander, an RN Hydrographer
         and a personal friend of HRH Prince Charles who         Keith had realised that he was now dealing with a
         had been his CO aboard the minesweeper HMS              lot of contact information and he needed a lawyer
         Bronington. Prince Charles’ assistance Ringrose         to wade through the legal issues related to the
         asserted, could prove invaluable in accessing per-      search. This had been on his mind when he was
         mission to recover the gold. The royal connection       contacted by a lawyer from Manchester, England
         didn’t impress Keith but he thought it might be         named David Bona. Keith knew Bona from when
         valuable to have an RN hydrographer on board            he had worked at a legal firm Jessop Marine had

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