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19                                Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
         by senior RAN officers as the best way to investi-     collision, Spicer specifically indicated failures of
         gate the incident, a series of incidents and acci-     Robertson and two other bridge officers, as they
         dents during the 1950s and early 1960s had left        did not alert Voyager to the danger she was in
         the general public with a mistrust of navy-run in-     and appeared to not take measures to prevent
         vestigations, and Prime Minister Robert Menzies        Melbourne from colliding. Robertson was marked
         made it clear that an inquiry supervised by a fed-     for transfer to HMAS Watson, a training base in
         eral judge would be the only acceptable route:         Sydney, and the admirals of the RAN decided to
         anything else would be seen as a cover up. Regu-       prevent Robertson from serving on Melbourne or
         lations for such an externally supervised inquiry      any other seagoing vessel in the future. Robertson
         were supposed to have been drafted following an        submitted his resignation from the Navy on 10
         explosion aboard HMAS Tarakan in 1950, but were        September 1964, two days after receiving official
         never enacted, and Menzies' only option was to         notice of his new posting. The media considered
         call for a Royal Commission. The Commission, to        that Robertson had been made a scapegoat for
         be headed by Sir John Spicer, was announced by         the incident.
         Menzies on 13 February 1964. This commission           Second Royal Commission
         was directed primarily to investigate the immedi-
         ate causes of the collision, and the circumstances     Over the next few years there was increasing
         which led up to it. Secondary considerations in-       pressure from the public, the media, and politi-
         cluded the suitability of both ships for the exer-     cians of the Government and Opposition over the
         cise, and the rescue and treatment of survivors.       handling of the first Royal Commission, as well as
         These in-                                                                                     claims made
         structions                                                                                    by Lieuten-
         were pre-                                                                                     ant Com-
         pared with-                                                                                   mander Pe-
         out the con-                                                                                  ter Cabban,
         sultation of                                                                                  the former
         the RAN. The                                                                                  executive
         number of                                                                                     officer of
         competing                                                                                     Voyager,
         arguments                                                                                     that Captain
         caused the                                                                                    Stevens fre-
         progress of                                                                                   quently
         the investi-                                                                                  drank to ex-
         gation to be                                                                                  cess and
         slow, and it                                                                                  was unfit for
         was not until                                                                                 command.
         25 June that                                                                                  On 18 May
         the inquiry                                                                                   1967, Prime
         was ended,                                                                                    Minister Har-
         and the re-                                                                                   old Holt an-
         port begun.                                   HMAS Voyager                                   nounced a
         The Spicer               second Roy-
         Report was                       transmitter-could-be-culprit/3331104/                       al Commis-
         released                                                                                     sion into the
         publicly on 26 August 1964.                            Melbourne-Voyager collision, with Sir Stanley Bur-
                                                                bury, The Hon. Mr Justice Kenneth Asprey, and
         The report was considered to be of poor quality,       The Hon. Mr Justice George Lucas as presiding
         as it had a disjointed narrative and repeatedly        Commissioners investigating the claims made by
         failed to cite the relevant evidence. In it, Spicer    Cabban. It was the only time in Australian history
         concluded that the collision was primarily the fault   that two Royal Commissions have been held on
         of Voyager's bridge crew, in that they neglected to    the same incident, although it was emphasised
         maintain an effective lookout and lost awareness       that the second enquiry was to focus on Cabban's
         of the carrier's location, although he did not blame   allegations, not the accident itself. The commis-
         individual officers. When reporting on the contri-     sion opened on 13 June 1967, and hearings com-
         bution of Melbourne and those aboard her to the
                                                                menced on 18 July.

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