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23 Volume 73 Number 1
15 February 2021
and Combat Officer in HMCS Winnipeg. Canada Assumes Command of Standing
NATO Maritime Group One
Returning to sea in 2004, he served as Executive
Officer in HMCS Calgary. In 2007, he was appoint-
ed Commanding Officer of HMCS Winnipeg where ommodore Bradley Peats of the Canadian
he received the Meritorious Service Cross for his C Armed Forces (CAF) officially assumed
leadership during Winnipeg's counter-piracy mis- command of Standing NATO Maritime Group
sion off the Horn of Africa. One (SNMG1) during a change of command
ceremony held in Lisbon, Portugal. Commodore
Rear-Admiral Baines’ staff appointments include Peats assumed command from Commodore Jo-
Staff Officer at HMCS Unicorn, the Naval Reserve sé António Mirones of the Portuguese Navy.
Division in Saskatoon. He served abroad in Nor-
folk, Virginia with the US Navy's Second Fleet. He SNMG1 is one of four NATO Standing Naval
worked at Forces (SNF) that provide the Alliance with a
National De- continuous
fence Head- naval ca-
quarters in pability
Ottawa in and pres-
both the Di- ence which
rectorate of forms the
Maritime core of the
Training and Very High
Education Readiness
and as the Joint Task
Maritime Force
Staff Director (Maritime).
of Strategic NATO is a
Communica- corner-
tions. In stone of
2010, he Canada’s
was appoint- interna-
ed as the tional se-
Base Com- curity poli-
mander of cy. It is
Canadian HMCS Halifax is now the Flagship for Standing NATO Maritime Group One also one of
Forces Base our most
Esquimalt. Prior to becoming Fleet Commander of important
Canadian Fleet Atlantic, he served as Special Ad- multilateral relationships. Canada’s member-
visor to the Chief of Defence Staff. ship in the Alliance enables meaningful cooper-
ation with Allies and partners to strengthen
His education includes a Bachelor of Arts degree transatlantic defence and security, preserve the
from University of Manitoba. While on exchange in rules-based international order, and lead or
Norfolk, he completed the US Naval War College otherwise contribute to international peace, se-
program and a graduate certificate program in the curity and stability efforts abroad.
History of Strategy and Policy at Old Dominion
University. He completed the Canadian Forces “I am honoured to have the opportunity and
College Joint Command and Staff Program con- privilege of leading SNMG1 and look forward to
current with his Master of Defence Studies. In building upon the successful deployment of
2013, he completed the National Security Pro- Commodore Mirones, his flagship Corte-Real,
gram and a Master of Public Administration. and the outgoing SNMG1 staff. In an uncertain
global environment, we are proud to contribute
He was appointed as Commander Canadian Fleet to NATO’s assurance and deterrence measures
Atlantic in July 2014. During his 3 year posting as in Western and Northern European waters, in-
Fleet Commander, he sailed extensively with the cluding the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Norwegian
Fleet and participated in major international exer- Sea, and their maritime approaches.”
cises including Trident Juncture 2015, Joint Warri-
or 152 and Cutlass Fury 2016. Commodore Bradley Peats, Commander Stand-