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27 Volume 73 Number 1
15 February 2021
tion. Check the last location date on the map to next in line. The Canadian Forces is handling the
see when the ship checked in. Canada’s subma- federal distribution of the vaccine; Dr. Penny Bal-
rines will also never appear as they do not broad- lem, former Deputy Minister of Health for five
cast their location. years, former City Manager for Vancouver, and
current Chair of the Vancouver Coastal Health
Authority is in charge of getting the vaccine into
our arms. I have known Penny for almost 50
years and I can vouch to you that she is a very
good administrator and pays attention to detail –
just ask King Wan! Canada is taking more steps
on to isolate people flying into Canada.
The short story – everything is trending the right
way. There will still be bumps along the way but
so far in 2021, so good. I am optimistic.
COVID-19 Update – 01 February 2021
Dr. John Blatherwick, “Former Naval Person”
The New York Times
By David Leonhardt, 1 February 2021
very time you turn on the Infections aren’t what matters
E TV for news or read a news- he news about the vaccines contin-
paper, the headlines are how T ues to be excellent — and the public
bad the COVID-19 pandemic is discussion of it continues to be more neg-
and how stupid somebody, often ative than the facts warrant.
a politician is, regarding the Here’s the key fact: All five vaccines with
handling of the outbreak. public results have eliminated Covid-19
Trump is gone so the number of deaths. They have also drastically re-
negative stories regarding duced hospitalizations. “They’re all good
COVID-19 have doubled. The trial results,” Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiol-
only problem is – it is generally ogist at Johns Hopkins University, told
wrong. Children continue to be safer in schools me. “It’s great news.”
than at home; the health care system is not col- Many people are instead focusing on relatively minor
lapsing; and after the Christmas bump, the num- differences among the vaccine results and wrongly as-
bers are stabilizing. And biggest of all, there are suming that those differences mean that some vac-
two (three by the time this is published with the cines won’t prevent serious illnesses. It’s still too early
Johnson and Johnson due to be approved) vac- to be sure, because a few of the vaccine makers have
cines that continue to work extremely well. So far released only a small amount of data. But the available
in the USA, there have been no admissions to ICU data is very encouraging — including about the vac-
for people who have had two doses of the vaccine. cines’ effect on the virus’s variants.
And so far, they seem to work against the UK, “The vaccines are poised to deliver what people so
South Africa and California variants. OK – I know desperately want: an end, however protracted, to this
– we haven’t received any vaccine in Canada the pandemic,” as Julia Marcus of Harvard Medical School
past week and won’t in the first week of February recently wrote in The Atlantic.
– but – that is so that the vaccine production, Why is the public understanding more negative than it
where Canada gets its vaccine from – can increase should be? Much of the confusion revolves around the
capacity. Increased capacity means we’ll be able meaning of the word “effective.”
to get all the vaccine Canada has ordered faster. What do we care about?
So, every time you read a story or hear a story In the official language of research science, a vaccine
about how bad things are, remember that the vac- is typically considered effective only if it prevents peo-
cine is real, it works and we’re going to be able to ple from coming down with any degree of illness. With
get it. Since many of the NOABC members are a disease that’s always or usually horrible, like ebola
age 75 plus, we are due to get it in April (register or rabies, that definition is also the most meaningful
for it in March – keep an eye out for details). The one.
people getting the vaccine are front line health But it’s not the most meaningful definition for most
care workers and people living in nursing homes – coronavirus infections.
the hardest hit group for the vaccine. But we are