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25                                Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
         by several hours. Thus, this information should        site, it operates more than 2,000 AIS stations lo-
         NEVER be used for navigation purpose.                  cated in over 165 countries and has over 600, 000
                                                                registered users and around 20 million visits to its
         Here we have a list of a few prominent websites
         which are widely used for near-accurate online         website every month.
         ship tracking. These vessel trackers provide not       2. FleetMon
         only the ship’s location, but also technical and       FleetMon, another open database of ships and
         non-technical details, designated routes, and          ports across the world, offers real-time AIS posi-
         even photographs.
                                                                tion data of ships, along with technical information
         Notable Vessel Tracking Websites                       on over 500000 vessels. It provides the particu-
                                                                lars of the vessel, schedules and port arrivals,
         1. Marine-Traffic
                                                                trading patterns and photos according to the cus-
         Marine-Traffic, one of the most famous and wide-       tomer’s search.
         ly used online ship tracking systems, offers real-
         time data of ships along with advanced search          Using its interactive tool named FleetMon Explor-
                                                                er, you can see a real-time view of the marine
         features. It offers vessel owners with a number of


         services including satellite AIS coverage, en-
         hanced satellite tracking, advanced density maps,      traffic and access information on operations moni-
                                                                toring, logistics scheduling, fleet tracking, and
         and nautical charts etc.
                                                                traffic analysis etc. Established in 2007, FleetMon
         Apart from tracking ships, Marine-Traffic also al-     currently has customers across 164 countries.
         lows the tracking of various Ports around the          Fleet Mon is one of the finest ship tracking ser-
         world. The AIS system of the website boasts of a       vices which also offers iPhone and iPad apps.
         massive database of ships of every type.  Accord-
         ing to Marine-Traffic, it records at least 800 mil-    3. Shipfinder
         lion vessel positions as well as 18 million vessel     This is another widely used ship tracking service
         and port-related events monthly and offers infor-      online which allows vessel search through various
         mation about 650,000 marine assets such as ves-        options such as ship number, tonnage, and capac-
         sels, ports, and lights etc.                           ity, ownership, construction etc.
         This open, community-based project offers a            This online service collects AIS ship feeds used by
         number of services for free, while more advanced       vessels over 300 tonnes, passenger vessels and
         functions come with a fee. According to the web-       small vessels like yachts to provide real-time in-

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