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20                                Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
         A post-mortem conducted on Stevens' body                mine, because all but one sailor from the bridge
         showed a blood alcohol level of 0.025%, though          of Voyager were killed. In the immediate after-
         the significance of this figure was challenged by       math of the collision, there were thought to be
         expert witnesses. It was argued that Stevens was        five possible causes: communications between
         unfit for command on the evening of the incident        the two vessels did not reflect the ships' inten-
         due to illness, drunkenness, or a combination of        tions,
         the two, and that the description of the collision
         in Spicer's report and the                                                     1. Those aboard Voyager
         conclusions drawn from it                                                      had an incorrect idea of
         were inconsistent with                                                         where they were in rela-
         events. The hearings last-                                                     tion to Melbourne,
         ed 85 days, and the Bur-                                                       2. The sea room required
         bury Report was released                                                       for the destroyer to ma-
         publicly on 25 February                                                        noeuvre was miscalculat-
         1968. It found that Ste-                                                       ed,
         vens was medically unfit                                                       3. The level of training
         for command, and that                                                          aboard one or both ships
         some of the findings of
         the first Royal Commission                                                     was deficient, or
         were therefore based on                                                        4. An equipment failure
         incorrect assumptions.                                                         occurred aboard one or
         Explicitly it found, 'beyond                                                   both ships.
         doubt that any suggestion                                                      The equipment failure, in-
         that his faculties or judge-                                                   adequate training, and
         ment were in any way im-                                                       miscalculated sea room
         paired by alcohol at the                                                       theories were disproven by
         time of the collision is                                                       the two Royal Commis-
         positively excluded'. Rob-                                                     sions, leaving the sugges-
         ertson and the other offic-                                                    tion that either a commu-
         ers of Melbourne were ab-                                                      nication error aboard one
         solved of blame for the                                                        of the ships caused Voyag-
         incident.                                                                      er to manoeuvre in an un-
         Additional Evidence                                                            desired manner, or the
                                                                                        officers aboard Voyager
         On condition of anonymi-                                                       were incorrectly aware of
         ty, a doctor informed the                                                      their vessel's position in
         first Royal Commission
         that he had been confi-                                                        relation to the much larger
         dentially prescribing am-              aircraft carrier.
         phetamine sulphate to       books/general-books/history/The-Cruel-             Naval historian and ex-RAN
         Captain Stevens prior to    Legacy-Tom-Frame-9781741144215                     officer Tom Frame, who
         the collision. This was a                                                      studied the collision for his
         legal drug at the time and was carried in RAN           doctoral thesis, believes that the main cause of
         ships' medical lockers. Navy Minister Don Chipp         the collision was an error in communications:
         has suggested this as an explanation for the con-       specifically, that the instruction to turn to 020°
         tradictory impressions created in the minds of          then assume the plane guard station was garbled
         witnesses who reported on Captain Stevens' ap-          on receipt by Voyager.] The signal was "Foxtrot
         parent state of health and demeanour prior to the       Corpen 020 22", meaning that Melbourne was
         collision. This evidence was not made public until      about to commence flying operations on a head-
         after both enquiries were completed.                    ing of 020°, at a speed of 22 knots (41 km/h; 25
                                                                 mph), and that Voyager was to assume the plane
                                                                 guard station. While the first Royal Commission
         While the inattentiveness of the lookouts and           considered the likelihood that the code phrase
         bridge crew were a contributing factor to the col-      "foxtrot corpen" was reversed to become "corpen
         lision, the exact cause has been difficult to deter-    foxtrot" (an order to turn onto the given course),

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