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24                                Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
                                                                Canada last commanded a Standing NATO Mari-
          ing NATO Maritime Group One                           time Group from June to December 2019, when
          “I would like to congratulate Commodore Peats         Commodore Josée Kurtz commanded SNMG2.
          on his appointment as Commander of SNMG1. I           Since 2014, the Canadian Armed Forces have
          have no doubt he will be a leading example of         deployed Royal Canadian Navy frigates on a per-
          the professionalism and commitment of our Ca-         sistent rotational basis to be employed for exer-
          nadian Armed Forces to NATO’s assurance and           cises and operational tasks in the NATO Maritime
          deterrence mission in Europe under Operation          Command's areas of responsibility.
          REASSURANCE. His appointment speaks to the
          recognized excellence of our CAF leaders and
          Canada’s important contribution to NATO, as we        news/3060
          have contributed Royal Canadian Navy ships on
          a regular basis since 2014 to Standing NATO
          Maritime Groups One and Two, as well as com-          Vessel Tracking Applications
          manding both groups on several occasions. Bra-        Top 8 Ship Tracking Websites To Find Your
          vo Zulu!”                                             Ship Accurately

          Lieutenant-General Christopher Coates, Com-                he rapid advancement of technology has sig-
          mander Canadian Joint Operations Command
                                                                T  nificantly improved the methods of monitor-
          Standing NATO Maritime Group One                      ing and tracking the ships in the recent past. The
                                                                fast-developing satellite services have enabled the
          Standing NATO Maritime Group One is a multi-
          national deterrent force that carries out a robust    ship tracking across the globe easier now and thus
          programme of operational deployments as well          ensuring the safety of vessels from various
          as complex training exercises and events with         threats.
          national navies to build and maintain the highest     With the help of satellite-based vessel monitoring
          levels of readiness, interoperability and war         systems (VMS), different types of vessels have
          fighting capabilities.                                been monitoring efficiently by marine agencies
                                                                and vessel owners for a long period. The automat-
          NATO Standing Naval Forces presence and activ-
          ities promote and preserve unfettered access to       ic identification system (AIS) helps track bigger
          the global ocean commons and help maintain            vessels crossing waters across the world by offer-
          freedom of the seas and freedom of navigation         ing real-time information about the vessels.
          throughout all international waters which is cen-     Currently, several websites provide ship tracking
          tral to the Alliance’s security and economic pros-    using the automatic identification system to dis-
          perity.                                               play the real-time location of the ships.
          Canada is committed to NATO’s principle of col-       With the help of transponders equipped on the
          lective defence, which is at the heart of the Alli-   vessels, the satellites will collect AIS signals from
          ance’s founding treaty. The CAF is proud to lead      the vessels to provide its position, route, speed
          or otherwise make substantive and enduring            and ship’s type, among others through various
          contributions to the cooperative defence activi-      online platforms. Moreover, with the introduction
          ties of NATO in the air, on land, and at sea.         of Google Earth has revolutionized the ship track-

          Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Halifax    is      ing process, allowing access to each and every
          currently deployed with Standing NATO Maritime        detail of almost all ships within seconds.
          Group One as part of Operation REASSURANCE,           However, since there are various online services
          Canada’s contribution to NATO regional assur-         to provide vessel tracking information, the pur-
          ance and deterrence measures.                         pose of the content provided varies. It is im-
          HMCS Halifax departed its namesake homeport           portant to note that ship tracking done through
          of Halifax, Nova Scotia on January 1, 2021, and       these online platforms is often meant for educa-
          replaced HMCS Toronto, which deployed with            tional purpose. Though many of these services are
          SNMG1 from July to December 2020. HMCS Hal-           also used for tracking different types of cargo
          ifax  is now the flagship for the SNMG1 command       ships such as container ship.
          team and headquarters staff throughout the re-        Though most of these service providers promise a
          mainder of its deployment.                            “real-time” location of the ships, the data dis-
                                                                played is always behind by a few minutes or even

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