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17                                Volume 73 Number 1
         15 February 2021
         would have been in the way. However, James Rin-        the divers. Another fear had been that a fuel tank
         grose was on board with his own theories about         adjacent to the bomb room would be filled with
         wreck positions gleaned from his own vague fish-       diesel fuel but it wasn’t. It was completely drained.
         ermen sources. They met a Russian ship on the          All Keith needed now was to go and get the Gold.
         way and picked up at sea the Russian official ob-      To be continued in the next issue:
         server (this cut out red tape of visa applications
         for him to admitted to Britain saving time) and
         headed over to the Barents Sea. Some time was          Melbourne–Voyager Collision
         spent calibrating the equipment on board with the
         two new masts. The search was able to begin on
         May 12th at 2030 with the first side scan sonar
         sweep.                                                      he Melbourne–Voyager collision, also referred
                                                                T  to as the "Melbourne–Voyager incident" or
         Arguments between Ringrose and the real experts        simply the "Voyager incident", was a collision be-
         were inevitable. John Clark from OSA was in            tween two warships of the Royal Australian Navy
         charge and overruled Ringrose on where to start
         looking, preferring Obermans teams’ predictions        (RAN); the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne (R21)
                                                                and the destroyer HMAS Voyager (D04). On the
         based on serious technical analysis and Keith’s        evening of 10 February 1964, the two ships were
         notes and research material. It wasn’t long before     performing manoeuvres off Jervis Bay, when Voy-
         John Clarks decision was vindicated. At 1421 the
         following day a large trace was made on the port       ager sailed under Melbourne's bow. She was cut in
                                                                two and sunk, and 82 of her crew killed.
         side with the sonar scan. Dammtor turned for a
         second run and found the same large object, it         Two Royal Commissions were held to investigate
         was a large shipwreck. But was it HMS Edinburgh?       the incident. The first studied the circumstances of
         Only inspection by the Remote Operated Vehicle         the collision, while the second focused on claims
         (ROV) would decide, but the weather turned foul.       by a former Voyager senior officer that the de-
         After a two day wait for calmer water the ROV          stroyer's captain was unfit for command. It is the
         Scorpion was launched and descended on the             only time in Australian history that two Royal
         trace. At first the TVs showed an incessant snow-      Commissions have been held for a single incident.
         storm of silt with virtually zero visibility. Eventual-  HMAS Melbourne was the lead ship of the Majestic
         ly this cleared and the control room was filled with   class of aircraft carriers. She was laid down for the
         experts staring intently at the monitors when the      Royal Navy on 15 April 1943 at Vickers-
         large shape of an enormous warship loomed out          Armstrong's' Naval Construction Yard in Barrow-in
         of the inky blackness. Eagerly comparing the           -Furness, England, and launched on 28 February
         wreck’s features with that of the Belfast they         1945.  Melbourne underwent her annual refit from
         looked for the ships crest attached to the bridge      16 September 1963 to 20 January 1964, with
         but the bridge was destroyed and lying beside the      command handed over to Captain John Robertson
         wreck. A lattice like structure came into view by      in early January.
         the motor cutters and was recognizable, quickly
         followed by the cutter itself. There was no longer     HMAS Voyager was the first of three Australian-
         any doubt. HMS Edinburgh had been found!               built Daring class destroyers. The first all-welded
                                                                ship built in Australia, Voyager was laid down by
         The wreck was marked by three aqua buoy tran-          Cockatoo Island Dockyard in Sydney on 10 Octo-
         sponders submerged and easily activated by radio       ber 1949, launched on 1 May 1952, and commis-
         waves from the recovery ship. The ships position       sioned into the RAN on 12 February 1957.  Captain
         72 N by 35 E was kept a close secret and radio         Duncan Stevens was appointed commanding of-
         silence maintained till they made first land call at   ficer at the end of that year.
         Tromso. On May 18th, the ship sailed into Tromso
         and Keith was telephoned at home and given the         Collision
         news. He was ecstatic, not only at the news of the     Voyager and Melbourne were both sent to Jervis
         find, but also that Edinburgh was just 3.5 miles       Bay for post-refit trials, with the two ships arriving
         from where his research material had predicted it      on 9 February. During the day of 10 February the
         would be! Further good news was that the wreck         ships operated independently, or exercised with
         lay on its port side with the bomb room filled with    the British submarine HMS Tabard. That evening,
         gold uppermost and a gaping torpedo hole just 20       while 20 miles SE of Jervis Bay, Melbourne was
         feet away which would be of great assistance to

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