Page 29 - Newest Brochure
P. 29

                                                     CARDIFF, UK
 This mixed use development completed in 2012 is held  throughout the scheme.  To assist the promo   on and sales of the newly
                                             created David Morgan Apartments from a listed
 up by the London Borough of Redbridge as an exemplar
                                              Victorian department store, we transformed one
 project leading the regenera   on of Ilford town centre.
                                                the new retail units into a marke   ng suite that
 Located on the site of the Pioneer Indoor Market the
                                                included a mock-up area, exhibi   on space, private
 building contains 296 apartments, restaurants and retail as
                                                 glass mee   ng room, staff   facili   es, graphic panels
 well as underground car parking, it acts as a landmark for
                                                                and window displays.
 the town from all direc   ons. We designed and coordinated
 the bathroom pods, kitchens and all fi  nishes and materials
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