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The Vigyan Vichakshan Jain Bal Mandir was inaugurated in 1970 with classes
LKG and UKG in a rented building, in Vaitharama Iyer Street. Sri Kewalchandji Khatod
donated Rs.31,000/- for the school. The school was named after venerable Jain Sadhvis
Vigyansiriji and Vichakshansiriji.
The Rajasthani Jain Samaj had long felt a need for a school for the girls of the
community, who wanted education in Hindi Medium or English Medium and which
would spread its roots, deep in our soil and draw sustenance from our heritage and
culture, and the moral values common to all Indian religions.
The School was inaugurated on 10 June 1977 by the eminent Educationist
Kulapathi Sri Balakrishna Joshi and functioned for the first year in Sri Rajasthani Jain
Samaj Building, Pondy Bazar.
The dream became reality when the members of Sri Madanrajji, Ugam Rajji,
Mahaveerchandji Mootha family of Alandur came forward and offered around 7 grounds
land in Brindavan Street, West Mambalam to start a high school in the name of Shri Bijai
Raj Sajjan Raj Mootha Girls School.
Sri Kewalchandji Khatod came forward with another donation of Rs.51,000/- for
the primary section.
Meanwhile,a vigorous drive was launched under the leadership of Sri
Kushalchandji Galada for the collection of funds. The foundation stone for the high
school building was laid by Sri M.Lalchand Jain on 15 December 1977. The school
building consisting of four floors and 19 rooms was finished in a record time of six
months due to the tireless efforts of Sri S.Suganmalji Jain and Dr.C.L.Metha, the
Managing Trustee of the Educational Trust then. The new building was declared open
by His Excellency Sri Prabhudas Patwari on 25 June 1978.
On the same day, the primary block was inaugurated by Sri R.Bhawarmalji
Bothra who donated Rs.51,000 and the 2 floor with 6 rooms was added in 1989. A
new block with 15 rooms and 2 storeys was built during the year 1992-93 and the block
is named after Smt. Bhawaribai Amolkchand Rakecha. 10 more rooms were built in the
primary block in 1999 satisfying the long felt need.
In the year 2002 , the adjacent land was purchased. A new building was
constructed with basement and three floors. The new building was named as SUMATHI
VISHAL BLOCK. Sri Sumathi Vishal Educational Trust came forward and donated
Rs.16 lakhs to name the building. We express our thanks to the trust for the donation.
As the number of sections and strength of the school increased over the years and
in 2003-04 a new administrative block of 3 floors was built to accommodate the spacious
library, English laboratory, Conference room and 2 language rooms. We are grateful to
Sri. Jumermalji Nahar and family who donated Rs,5,71,007- and the block has been
named as, ‘Smt. Suwadevi Jumarmal Nahar Block’. In 2005, labs for Fashion
Technology and Home Science were established.