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"Technology aided learning" is the buzz word in our school. To cater to its ever
increasing demand, 3,500 sq.ft. airconditioned TAL Auditorium fitted with LCD projector
and audio system, and an enhanced airconditioned computer laboratory with 25
computers of latest configuration were built in the same year. Sri Jawanthraji Bhandari
and family donated Rs. 9,71,000/- towards the establishment of the TAL auditorium
named as “Smt. Taramani Jawanthraj Bhandari' TAL Centre”.
'. We are grateful to Sri Mohanmal Kothari and family who donated Rs. 1,91,000/-
and the computer laboratory has been named as "Sri Mohanmal Kothari Computer
The 'Smart class Programme' commenced in the academic year 2003 - 04 through 5
Technology enabled classrooms (TEC), wherein each TEC has 4 colour monitors for
students viewing and a PC for the teacher. The dynamic, progressive management has
thus empowered the teachers with technology, right inside the classroom and access to a
host of resources from the Knowledge Centre to which it is connected.
From the academic year 2006-07, the students were given a choice for opting
science group with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology/Computer Science.
Whole School Management system was launched in the year 2008 which provides
a web interface to parents to ensure better parent - school co-ordination and up-to-date
knowledge on the activities of their ward.
The school is the result of the untiring efforts of Sri Rajasthani Jain Samaj
Educational Trust and the number of donors who have donated generously. We are sure,
we will continue to receive their support. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of
Secondary Education vide CBSE / AEE 19341 with effect from 1.5.83. Our School
number is TN 06942.
We have more than 3000 students and well experienced and qualified faculty
members.. We maintain very high standards and provide 'Quality Education' in the true
sense of the word.
Our vision is to impart, "Education for life, Education for growth and Evolution, and
Education of the Heart, to bring about an inner transformation and blossoming out of a
perfect Divinised Human being. "Let's work together towards this end!"