Page 5 - PALLAV 22-23(39)
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               EDITORIAL              As we reflect on the purpose of education, we are
                                      reminded of the quote, "Education is not the filling of
               EDITOR - IN -CHIEF
                          Principal   a  pail,  but  the  lighting  of  a  fire"  by  William  Butler
               EDITORIAL  TEAM        Yeats.  Education  should  not  merely  be  about
               Departments  of        imparting  knowledge  and  information  but  rather
               English, Hindi, Tamil,
               Math, Science, Social   about igniting a passion for learning and discovery.
               Science, Art & Craft   The  goal  should  be  to  transform  mirrors  into
                                      windows,  opening  up  new  perspectives  and

                                      opportunities for students.

                                      In  today's  rapidly  changing  world,  it  is  more
                                      important than ever to provide quality education to

                                      our children. They are the future of our society and
                                      the ones who will shape the world to come. It is our
                                      responsibility to nurture their characters and provide

                                      them with the tools they need to thrive.

                                      Schools play a vital role in this process, and SBSM is a
                                      pioneer in providing the highest quality education

                                      across  all  domains.  With  innovative  pedagogical
                                      techniques and a focus on the holistic development

                                      of students, SBSM is shaping the nation of the years
                                      to come.
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