Page 9 - PALLAV 22-23(39)
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Smt. Swarnalatha Gopalakrishnan.
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”-
Vince Lombardi. It is a matter of pride to pen down this message on bringing out this
edition of Pallav and to build on the foundation of excellence that we have
established and sustained at our school.As the saying goes,” Mind like a parachute
works best when opened”. All our young budding artists, writers, poets have kept an
open mind and put in relentless efforts to ensure the success of this magazine. I take
this opportunity to thank all the contributors of this magazine as their contribution is
the reason this magazine is so dear to our hearts. This magazine is to be viewed as a
launch pad for the children’s creativity. It needs confidence and creativity of the
highest degree, as exhibited by our children, to accomplish this feat of bringing out
Pallav.The worth of any institution is not judged by its building or infrastructure but
by its human resources, and our school stands tall and proud due to the
accomplishments of its children and staff. Nothing like this would have been possible
without you. Cheers to the entire team for the herculean task of editing and bringing
out this magazine.