Page 104 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 104

What happened as a result of implementing your suggestion? How did the
                        situation improve? What got better? How much better? Can you quantify what
                        happened (use numbers, dollars, or percentages to describe it)?

   Here’s an example of a great story using quantification:
   A woman wrote a software program code for a call center thatsaved them 1.2 secondsevery time
they logged in, which in a call center, means millions of times. This 1.2 second time savings added up
over the thousands of times they answered the phone every day, and that translated into savings of
millions of dollars for the company over a short amount of time. So when she describes this, she says
(using quantification):“I wrote a program code that saved 1.2 seconds for every login, which saved
the company $X every year.”

                                    Key to a Great Interview

If you have anything tangible that illustrates your story, put it in your brag book and point to it while
you answer this question. What could this be? The possibilities are many:

      A brochure you developed, to show what you can do
      A note from your boss thanking you for the suggestion and talking about how it turned out
      Sales numbers pre- and post-suggestion
      Any workplace improvements pre- and post-suggestion
      A note from a customer thrilled with your new system/procedure
      The outline of a training process you created

Providing evidence to back up your story or example is a powerful wayto stand out from every other
If you would like help putting yours together, check out

Career Confidential's

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