Page 179 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 179

Negotiating Your Salary:
                       How to Make $1000 a Minute

                               by Jack Chapman

(2) Go ahead and tell them something. Do your research on salary ranges for this
role, in this size company, in this industry, in this area of the country. Good research
sites include, and

      Tell them that you found out that the range for this job is between X and Y. “Y”
      should be the top of the range and “X” should be in the middle. This way, you are
      setting a bias that is skewed toward a higher end number. It’s an ‘anchor’ that
      pulls the entire direction of the negotiation towards it.

(3) Say, “My salary requirements aren’t relevant unless we have decided that I am
a good fit for this role. If you have decided that you’d like to hire me, I’d love to talk
compensation and benefits with you. If you need to know more about my skills and
qualifications first, then let’s talk more about that. What else would you like to

(4) Keep refusing and say, “I know that you must have a range budgeted for this
position. I am sure that the range you have set will be fair and commensurate with
the responsibilities of this job. Can you tell me what that range is, and then I can
confirm that I can be comfortable with that range. What is the range?”
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