Page 183 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 183

A 30-60-90-day plan helps make it an easy decision to hire you!
                                                Find out more here:

                                       30-60-90-Day Action Plan
                                        30-60-90-Day Sales Plan

   Think about what your skills are going to bring to this role that maybe someone from this field
already might not have—like maybe you are an especially creative problem-solver. Think about what
you would need to do next and HOW you would do it.

   When you talk about your next 30 days (the 90-day part), show this hiring manager how you will be
moving on your own to benefit the company and succeed in your role. What will you be doing?
(Base this on what you have learned from the job description.)

   The more research you can do for your plan, the more you will be able to show that you are very
capable of doing this job even if you have little to no experience.

   As a bonus, creating a plan shows that you are an incredibly motivated and energetic worker
with strategic thinking skills, prioritization skills, and plenty of initiative and will to succeed.

   If for some reason after walking them through your plan, they still are pushing you on the
experience factor, say:

   “Well, everyone has to start somewhere. No one starts every job with all the experience they need.
Did you have any experience in your first job? And yet you are very successful. I would say that even
though I don’t have experience yet, my plan shows you that I am tremendously motivated and I believe
that the skill sets I’m bringing from my previous jobs will make me a versatile asset in this role.”

                                   Key to a Great Interview -
                                          Job Shadowing

If you are new to a career, a job shadowing experience gives you more "meat" to talk about during the
      interview. You're going to have more understanding of a typical day on the job and what the

challenges and issues will be. That helps you speak more intelligently about what you can bring to the
table, and why it's going to be a good idea to hire you. It's also going to help tremendously in creating
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