Page 97 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 97

Job Interview Question 47

               If you won the lottery, would you still work?

Asking this personality interview question is a way for the interviewer to try to establish rapport and
get to know the ‘real’ you. It’s also a vehicle they try to use to determine your work ethic, and
whether you do this work because you’re sincerely enthusiastic about the job, or because it pays for
your food, shelter, and hobbies.

   There are 3 viable ways you could answer this question:

  1. “I don’t know.It’s easy to guess as to what we would do in an extraordinary situation like that,
      but it’s very hard to actually know. If I told you I’d keep working, you might not believe me, but
      I truly enjoy what I do and get a lot of personal satisfaction in a job well done. It would be hard
      to walk away from that feeling of getting up every morning and feeling challenged by my day and
      successful at the end of it.”
      This answer at least lets them know that you care about your job and you enjoy being
      successful at it, for reasons other than money.

  2. “We all have fantasies of relaxing on the beach, but I am someone who likes to keep growing,
      learning, and accomplishing. So if I didn’t work anymore, I would at least explore some of the
      things I’ve always wanted to do, like travel or learn how to do X. I certainly wouldn’t run out
      of ideas for new things to do!”
      This answer shows that you are someone who is energetic, curious, and constantly growing—
      all great qualities.

  3. You could answer this one with humor and a big smile on my face (one of my
      favorite tactics): “I don’t know if I’d still work, but I’d definitely buy everyone I knew a car to
      celebrate. Would I know you by then because of our long and successful working relationship?”
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