Page 95 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 95

“Based on our discussion about X, I think that a good direction would be to look into Y—
depending on how A, B, and C factor into it.”

   Anything you would suggest needs to have some financial benefit for the company. I would stay
away from talking about implementing ‘feel-good’ initiatives like flextime or a company health club
and focus instead on things that relate to the primary objective of the company.

   Maybe you don’t have anything concrete to contribute. In that case, you could talk about how
you would approach a problem like that:

   “First, I would make sure I knew everything I needed to know about what is currently going on, I
would talk to people in the company, I would see what the projections are for the next year, and then I
would start evaluating different plans of action, based on that data.”

   Then, here’s the killer follow up to that statement:
   “But that’s more theoretical. If you’d like to know how I would approach a new role in the here
and now, I have put together a 90 day plan for what I would do in the first 3 months in this job. As we
go through it together, you’ll see my thought process and learn a lot more about me. Would you like to
see it?”
 The discussion of your first 90 days in this job will have a much bigger impact on how they see

            you and your success in this role than the answer to this theoretical question.

                                   Key to a Great Interview!

                            A 30-60-90-Day Plan is a sure-fire way to show how:

      You think strategically
      You could step into the role and be successful immediately

                           This plan makes it an easy decision for them to hire you.
                                                Find out more here:
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