Page 200 - 201KNO~1
P. 200
Question 200. Describe a situation in which you found yourself dealing
with someone with whose personality you clashed. How did you handle the
situation? What was the outcome?
Obstacle: While I was the co-manager of Deep Blue Salon, the
shop enjoyed years of profitability, partially because we were the only place
in town. As the town began to grow, new businesses emerged, including
another salon within three miles of Deep Blue. My outlook was that com-
petition is healthy. On the other hand, Tara, the other manager, was troubled
by the prospect of another salon. Whereas I wanted to revise our market-
ing plan to gear up for a possible decrease in business, she was not open
to the idea.
Action: After attempting to engage her in the process several times
without success, I forged ahead. I devised a plan that included expanding our
services to provide Reiki and stone massages.
Result: When I completed a draft of the new plan, I showed it to Tara.
I felt that it was important to get her input before the final product. Once she
reviewed the outline, she jumped on board and shared her thoughts. To-
gether, we polished the plan, and when the new salon opened, we remained
Question 201. Tell about a time you built rapport quickly with someone
under difficult conditions.
Obstacle: When I was hired as a project assistant for Reynolds In-
corporated, the employee assigned to train me was the person I was re-
placing. Unfortunately, she gave her two-week notice under difficult
circumstances. The first day on the job was uncomfortable for me. She did
not talk to me unless it was about a work-related matter and even then she
was curt.
Action: I understood that her animosity toward the company had noth-
ing to do with me. To ensure a smooth transition, however, I did not react
negatively to her attitude. After a day or two, her unenthusiastic approach
Result: By the end of the two weeks, we were having lunch together.
In fact, she gave me her personal e-mail address, just in case questions arose
later on.
American Management Association