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P. 198


    Situation: When I worked for Recreation and Racquet Club, I was

charged with implementing an integrated marketing campaign that focused
on offline and online advertising.

    Action: For the offline initiative, I wrote persuasive copy and incorpo-

rated attention-grabbing photographs for a postcard campaign that was used
in a direct-mail program. And for online, I created the Web site copy that out-
lined the features and benefits of the Club.

    Result: The direct mail drew in local foot traffic, while the Web page,

based on hits and viewing time, proved to increase merchandise sales.

    Question 195. Describe an occasion when you improved communi-

cations within your department.

    Situation: Reactions Interchange was a small company, and the

owners could not afford to hire an independent network consultant to hook
up a file-sharing system.

    Action: Though we used Outlook to manage our e-mails and appoint-

ment scheduling, I read an article in the New York Times that Google’s e-mail
system, gmail, permitted users to upload documents that others could access
when on different workstations. In other words, all anyone needed was a gmail
account and they could log on at their leisure, read the documents, and make

    Result: Since gmail is a free service, it was a cost-effective tool we

could use until Reactions Interchange could afford a network system.

    Question 196. Tell me about a time when you strengthened a rela-

tionship through training.

    Situation: While employed with Widgets Incorporated, one of my

main responsibilities was to maintain strong relationships with distributors.

    Action: In an effort to sustain profitable relationships, I implemented

semi-annual meetings that focused on budget evaluations, forecasts, and
new-brand launchings.

    Result: This hands-on approach enhanced distributors’ performance.

    Question 197. Give an example of an important written document you

are required to write.

American Management Association
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