Page 17 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 17

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS                  and a good interviewer will also be aware of this. They will be trying to sell
                                                 their organisation to you. What they may not be aware of, though, is that the
                                                 selection process in itself will also communicate something to you. By learning
                                                 about good interviewing technique, you’ll be in a better position to evaluate
                                                 whether an organisation’s processes are fair, thorough and relevant to the job
                                                 that you are going for. We know from our own work that candidates are most
                                                 likely to trust a selection decision based on a process that they see as tough,
                                                 testing and well managed.
                                                 The key message to leave you with, therefore, is not to be fearful of this type of
                                                 interview. Reading this book and adhering to the guidance we provide here will
                                                 put you in a powerful position to do well at interview, and help you in getting
                                                 the job you really desire.

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