Page 174 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 174

speaking at a pace that sounds slightly too slow ‘in your own head’; it is a               tRouBLeShooting
    presentation skills tip, and it works for interviews as well.
n	 Nervousness can also result in clammy hands, and you will want to avoid
    a damp handshake! Once again, make sure you arrive in plenty of time
    and can therefore wash your hands before the interview. (And take the
    opportunity to make a final check on your appearance).


During the interview itself, your memory may let you down. You are, after
all, being asked to recall things that may have happened a while ago (again,
preparation is your best defence). If you cannot remember, try not to get
flustered. Tell the interviewer that you need a moment to gather your thoughts
– they will usually be fine with this. If you still struggle, make a note of the
question and ask if you can return to it later on. Most interviewers will move on
and come back at the end. Remember, it’s not a memory test.

drying	up

You may find yourself drying up in the interview – both in terms of what to say
as well as physically – your mouth goes dry.

The latter is easy to deal with – ensure that you have access to water.

The first is a little more difficult. There are many things going on in an interview
situation. You are obviously focusing on your answers and concentrating hard.
You are also being asked difficult questions, and at the same time are trying
to assess the impact that your answers are having. Many people will try to
second-guess what the interviewer is thinking, and it is easy to misinterpret
this. For example, formality is often mistaken for a critical attitude, or that
things are not going well, and this in turn can lead to your becoming anxious,
with the risk that you dry up. All these thoughts are likely to impact negatively
on your performance. It’s important not to read too much into what the
interviewer is saying or doing – they are there to do a professional job. Your role
is to provide the best answers you can, so that is what you need to focus on.

Your role is to provide the best answers you can,
so that is what you need to focus on.

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