Page 171 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 171

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS                  to make a decision. If you do need to use the same example more than once,
                                                 try to think of an additional example and offer this as well – at least you are
                                                 indicating that you do have others, and the interviewer may choose to explore
                                                 that one with you too.

                                             having	incorrect	expectations

                                                 There are many ways in which expectations can be proved wrong – from
                                                 expecting a certain room layout, to expecting certain questions to come up, or
                                                 that the interviewer will have a particular style – even to what the interviewer
                                                 will look like or how they will act, if you have spoken to them on the telephone
                                                 before the interview. This can really throw you when you arrive and meet
                                                 the interviewer, for example. It is best not to over-visualise things before the
                                                 interview. It is likely to build expectations that will then not be met and may put
                                                 you on the back foot, making you feel less comfortable and thus undermining
                                                 your performance.
                                                 Focus on those things that you can control and prepare for realistically, ie
                                                 knowing about the business, knowing the competencies and understanding as
                                                 much about the interview process as you can, as well as giving good thought to
                                                 potential examples.

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