Page 166 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 166

tips	for	self-evaluation,	self-disclosure	and	motivation	ques-                                 non-ComPetenCY-BaSed	QueStionS		knowLedge-BaSed	QueStionS

n	 Recognising some weaknesses or gaps in your portfolio of skills shows
    objectivity, but don’t overdo it. If you can, show how you have recognised
    this deficit, what you have been doing about it and how it has improved.

n	 Try to be objective in describing yourself ‘on a good day’ and ‘on a bad
    day’, but again, don’t overdo it. Don’t make any of your weaknesses sound
    fatal but do show how you manage them. For example ‘I know I can be a
    bit of a perfectionist but I have learned to manage this so that I don’t get
    hung up on detail any more’.

n	 Have at least one ‘significant learning experience’ up your sleeve. In other
    words, something that went wrong but that has left you a better person
    as a result. (In the Civil Service they used to say that no one got to be a
    Permanent Secretary without showing that they had survived – and learned
    from – at least one major crisis in their career.)

n	 In the same way, have at least one ‘significant success’ available to be
    discussed. Analyse the situation in advance so that you can quickly
    describe the part you played in the success; if you can, break this down
    into task, thought and people and build your answer using CaR.

You will sometimes be asked about your ambitions or about the progression
you expect to achieve. Your best guide here is to be honest; glib answers stand
out like a sore thumb.

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