Page 162 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 162

I learned at ABC Ltd – during the merger – will be essential to developing                     non-ComPetenCY-BaSed	QueStionS		knowLedge-BaSed	QueStionS
the team and keeping their morale up in what is going to be a challenging


Task, thought, people and a structure that relates your attributes to the job at
This answer also makes use of the ‘rule of three’. This is a rhetorical trick
often used by politicians to give emphasis and weight to the point they are
making, namely listing three ideas, or three actions or three attributes. In an
interview, listing three is a good guide; listing more attributes than this risks
losing impact. The rule of three also helps you to maintain your own focus and
appear more focused to the interviewer as you give your answer.
Try to make sure that you use language that is as concrete as you can; ‘I
believe’ or better still ‘I know’ has more impact than ‘I think’.

tips	for	vague	or	general	questions

n	 Provide your own structure for your answer; use ‘task, thought, people’
    both to interpret the question and to shape your answer.

n	 Use the ‘rule of three’ to add focus.
n	 Be willing to clarify if the question is particularly vague. For example:

    ‘That’s a big question, is there any particular element you would like me to
    focus on?’

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