Page 157 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 157

non-ComPetenCY-BaSed	QueStionS		knowLedge-BaSed	QueStionS                      it for a second’, or ‘There are alot of factors to consider here, let me just
                                                                               collect my thoughts …’
                                                                           n	 If you have strong views on the subject raised, make sure that they are
                                                                               well thought through and that you can fully defend them. Avoid sounding
                                                                               too vehement or dogmatic. As a rule of thumb, the more strongly you feel
                                                                               about the topic, the more measured you need to be in the way you talk
                                                                               about it, in order to avoid sounding opinionated.
                                                                           n	 Don’t pretend that you know something that you don’t. Being caught out on
                                                                               a technicality will leave a very bad impression.
                                                                           n	 Aim to leave the impression that you are thoughtful and well informed
                                                                               about the subject area, rather than over-confident or even smug!

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