Page 154 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 154

These questions are designed to assess your experience and your past                           non-ComPetenCY-BaSed	QueStionS
responsibilities in terms of how closely they fit the job you are applying for and
it is worth considering, during your preparation, how good this fit is. Large
mismatches will worry the interviewer – they won’t necessarily rule you out, but
they will reduce the interviewer’s confidence in the decision they are making
about you. For example, if the role you are applying for has responsibility for
managing a budget in the millions and your previous experience has been for
budgets in the thousands, you may want to think of ways in which you can
plausibly close the gap. For example:

“But I also sat on the finance committee and there we had oversight of
turnover for the whole group, over £18 million when I left.”

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