Page 47 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 47

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS                  n	 What do I consider were my main successes in that role/situation?
                                                 n	 What helped or hindered me?
                                                 n	 What were the key skills/knowledge I brought to the situation?
                                                 n	 What did I learn?

                                                 This is an important aspect of preparation because the interviewer will use your
                                                 answers to assess things such as your objectivity, your self-awareness, your
                                                 willingness to self-evaluate and your learning style. These are usually quite
                                                 hard questions to answer ‘off the cuff’ because, even for the most quick-witted,
                                                 they need some reflection time: so do your reflecting in advance. See Chapter
                                                 7 for more advice on answering non-competency-based questions.

                                        Researching yourself: assets and risks

                                                 The final element of preparation that we will cover here is the time you should
                                                 give to weighing yourself, your style and your assets/risks in relation to both
                                                 the interview situation and the job. The details of how to make sure that your
                                                 assets come across in terms of task, thought and people will be dealt with in
                                                 detail in Chapters 4, 5 and 6, so here we will focus on other elements of self-
                                                 awareness that are relevant to you as an interviewee.

                                                 Despite having conducted hundreds of interviews, it still surprises us how
                                                 unaware people often are of their impact during the interview. So, how well
                                                 do you know yourself? What do your friends/family/colleagues say about your
                                                 impact when you are not around? Probably the only way you will find out is by
                                                 asking them!

                                             Your	impact	at	interview

                                                 Part of your preparation should include a long, hard look in the mirror
                                                 (metaphorically speaking), so as to make as objective an assessment as
                                                 possible of people’s likely first impression of you. Here are some questions you
                                                 can ask of yourself – or of others – to help build self-awareness of your impact.

                                                 “How confident do I sound when talking about myself?”

                                                 Research shows that interviews often overemphasise – and thus tend to put
                                                 too much weight on – social confidence and verbal fluency. Good interviewers

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