Page 60 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 60

n	 Aim to be thorough but concise in the answers you give. Interviewers’                        duRing	the	inteRview
    hearts tend to sink when they hear phrases like ‘OK I need to give you
    some background first’, followed by a 10-minute description of the history
    of ABC Ltd. Aim to produce answers that are no more than 2 minutes in
    length – as you practise this you will realise that 2 minutes is quite a long
    time to keep talking. (Two minutes is about the time it would take you
    to read a closely typed A4 page out loud.) If the interviewer wants more
    information, they will ask for it.

n	 Be aware of the speed at which you talk. It is hard to monitor this in ‘real
    time’ during the interview, so it needs to be part of your preparation. Get
    some feedback, or listen to a recording of yourself. Talking too quickly
    when under pressure and when the adrenalin is flowing is a common fault
    which needs to be remedied before the interview.

n	 Be long winded. Try to assess in the early stages of the interview how much

    detail the interviewer is after. Are they interrupting you and trying to move
    you on, or are they pausing and asking you to ‘say a bit more’. Be alert to
    this and try to modify your answers accordingly.
n	 Be too terse. If you are asked a specific ‘closed’ question such as ‘how
    many people were in your team at that point?’, then a short answer is
    fine, but most of the interviewer’s questions will be ‘open’, asking you
    to describe or explain something, and one-sentence answers to these
    questions will make it hard work for the interviewer.
n	 Focus on negatives during your answers. ‘Difficult’ situations tend to stick
    in our minds and are often easier to recall. While they will show that you
    can overcome obstacles and persevere, too many will start to make your
    working life sound like a horror story! This is why we recommend recalling
    examples of things you have done well, projects that had a good result, as
    part of your preparation.

Closing the interview

Research shows that what we say in the first 2 minutes of meeting someone
and what we say in the last 2 minutes have a disproportionate effect on the
impression we give. For this reason it is well worth thinking about what your
closing remarks will be.

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