Page 62 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 62

it may be appropriate for you to ask if there is any more information they                  duRing	the	inteRview
    need, to check that they have your contact details or to ask if it would be
    appropriate for you to seek some general feedback on the interview at
    some future date. Asking for feedback in this way is a final signal that you
    are developmentally orientated and keen to build your self-awareness.
n	 Leave purposefully. Don’t bolt from the room, but don’t shuffle out either!


   Manage the impression you make by avoiding barriers that may get in
   the way of establishing a positive relationship with the interviewer, and by
   knowing the signals that will create a good impression. In summary:
   n	 Think about and work to build rapport with the interviewer.
   n	 Be yourself as much as you can: the more authentic you are, the less

       the interviewer will feel that they have to ‘get behind the mask’.
   n	 Manage the way you answer questions: professional, human, not too

       terse, not too long-winded.
   n	 Close the interview positively – leave a good last impression.

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